Things to Make Using Origami

If you’ve ever thought about what to make using origami, you may struggle to come up with any ideas since you don’t know what’s possible. So, in this article, we will go over a few ideas to help you get on your way. You should be able to find tutorials for all of these ideas online, and most will only need paper/card, scissors, and glue.

Paper Hat

If you’ve ever done origami before, it’s likely you started with making a paper hat or a paper boat. They are very simple to make and can be done in very few steps. These are a great first project for kids and a good way to introduce yourself to how origami works, plus you get a cool hat!

Paper Boat

Just like paper hats, paper boats are a great introductory project and can be made in all manner of different ways. The simplest ones can be created by kids for a bit of fun, but they can also be made into masterful ships. The best part is that they will float and can be used for boat races. Contact with water usually makes the paper become soggy and fall apart after a while but there are ways to get around it such as brushing the boat with wax. For how to make a paper boat, you can look online at the Origami Way website.

Paper Crane

Paper cranes or birds are what come to mind when most people think of origami, mostly thanks to the popular Japanese legend that if you make a thousand paper cranes you will be granted a wish. It will take you a long time to make a thousand, but what have you got to lose? Paper cranes are a fairly simple craft and can be done with ease once you know how.

Paper Butterfly

Paper Butterflies are beautiful little decorations and can be made in several different ways, depending on the method you go with. You can make varying sizes and colors, so how about creating dozens of them and using them as decorations around the home?

Paper Flower

Just like the paper butterflies, these can be made in various ways, too. The most basic flowers can be done quickly by newcomers to origami, and there are some complex ones that are very pretty but take much more skill and time to make.

Paper Bookmark

If you love to read, you may want to consider making a nifty little origami bookmark. If you do a quick search, you’ll notice some innovative designs that are very stylish and useful. For example, you can make a heart shaped craft that has a slot for the corner of a page.

Origami Fortune Teller

These are an extremely common thing to make because they are very easy and allow a lot of customization. Kids will often make them, to play games with each other and see what fortunes they can burden each other with. They work using a fun interactive method and are quick to make, so they are a good one to learn.

Most projects will have multiple ways of doing them, providing opportunities to make them look better and make them harder to create. Simple objects can be used as decorations after they have been made, giving you a nice accent to rooms. Not to mention a neat little skill to impress your friends!

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