What Gear You Should Take On Your Next Mountain Bike Ride

Mountain biking enables a ride to journey through woodlands at speeds that are much faster than you could manage on foot. When you venture into an untouched environment surrounded by glorious flora and fauna, you become completely independent where unpredictable changes to weather, bicycle failure and unforeseeable marked trails leading to extra miles of peddling can turn an enjoyable outing into a misadventure very quickly. Bringing the correct supplies is a necessity to any ride, but if you are a beginner, deciding which tools are necessary for the voyage can be overwhelming. You don’t want to leave anything important behind, but you also don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire because you didn’t pack a bike pump – they are an awkward device to attach to your two wheeler after all – essential yet bothersome. So what do you take? Here is some of the items you should have on you to make your ride easier to manage if something goes wrong.


Nutrition and Hydration

Riding requires a lot of energy and without proper nutrition and hydration, your level will quickly deplete, causing you to want to end your ride earlier than expected. As you are continuously on the go, it’s ideal to pack foods that are accessible and don’t demand preparation. Cycling veterans suggest small meals like nuts, muesli bars, fruit and power gels to give your body a power boost. It’s also important to hydrate before you become too thirsty; hydration systems that give allow you to sip on water as you ride will avoid any awkward handling of water bottles.

Tool Kit

We live in an exciting world where bicycle innovation has never been made safer for riders. However, it still doesn’t mean that your bike is invincible or free from that annoying sharp edged rock that came out of nowhere, it set you up! While you don’t need to bring all the tools in your shed, a few basics will help you out of any predicament you may encounter. On your next trip pack a bike pump, patch kit, spare tubes, assorted wrenches, zip ties, rags, bolts, small flashlight, and duct tape.


Who honestly has time to be pouring over maps? You just want nothing more than to get on the road. We are a technology driven society, so get yourself a GPS to make the trip easier and to give you peace of mind. There are many devices on the market just for cyclists which all come with an attachable strap and feature a compass, calories counter, altitude change, pre-loaded maps and waterproof and shockproof abilities. Most bike specialists like 99 Bikes will carry GPS brands for riders.

Clothing For Unpredictable Weather

A rider needs to prepare for rain, hail or shine; the incorrect clothing in unpredictable weather conditions won’t get you very far. It’s not just in bad weather that you may encounter trouble. Imagine if you were riding at night time wearing only black items, it’s going to particularly hard to find your location if you were to have an accident. It’s recommended that every rider should wear visible and reflective clothing that is not only ventilated but has plenty of padding.

Riders, what gear can you not live without on a mountain bike trip? Tell us in the comments below.

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