My World at the castle Ruins in Kallmünz, Bavaria

Good evening folks! I am quite sleepy now but wanted to share these pictures before I sign-off for tonight. This was taken during Mothers Day. I am only a wife and not a mother yet. How I wish I am but I still have a great day during Mothers Day. So where did we go? We visited a castle ruin in Kallmünz or Kallmuenz, a town in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. The Castle ruins is considered to be the main attraction of this town. It is located above the town on a cliff. I have a lot of stories to tell but I am really very sleepy now. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Have a great evening!

the tower of the castle and some of the walls that remained until this time. I am taking a pose as a remembrance of our visit. I can’t remember how many times we did passed this castle but we only twice that we climbed on the cliff where it is located. I will share more photos in my Explore Germany

Kallmünz castle, the seat of the former Counts of Kallmünz, has been fortified since the bronze age. Kallmünz also has a medieval bridge, bearing masons’ marks, over the river Naab.
Feel free to visit World Tuesday to see more photos! Have a great one especially to all participants of these meme!

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7 Responses to “My World at the castle Ruins in Kallmünz, Bavaria”

  1. Photo Cache Says:

    So many things to see in Europe, that's why I tune in to your blog/s.

    I am a mother – to a cat (hihihihihi)

  2. Sylvia K Says:

    Looks like a great trip and I love your photos! Castles like this fascinated me when I lived in Germany — it was hard to believe how old many of them were. Being from such a young country that sort of thing is an unknown here in the states. We tend to think of the late 1700s as old here. Would love to go back to Europe someday and see some more! Have a great week! Enjoy!


  3. Manang Kim Says:

    Hi Rubz, same as you I am not a mother yet. But I have 4 pamangkins, whom I basically take care since birth. I told them one time they come out not from my womb but from my heart and that God gave them to me. And they were so happy to hear it they giggled ^_^.
    I see you had such fun in your Mother's day celebration. Take care and Happy Monday!

  4. eileeninmd Says:

    Lovely photos from your visit the castle ruins.

  5. Lion Rampant Says:

    Sounds like you had a great 'but tiring' day out. It is amazing to see that there is so much left of these ancient castles considering when they were built.

  6. dodong flores Says:

    If I can afford to travel around Europe, I gladly would love to bring my wife there. I'm sure we can be more in love 🙂
    Look at those castles and any other thing that can only be imagined in the old romance novels, it's found right there in Europe…

  7. Marinela Reka Says:

    Lovely photos, looks like a great trip 🙂
    Hugs Marinela x
    Short Poems



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