Emergency Cash Advance

I just want to share this true story that happen sometime ago. I could still remember the exact date it happened because I have some evidence but it’s better not to mention it here. Besides I just want to share to serve as caution and lesson to everyone. One day, one former friend invited me to go with them in a place here in Germany to buy for some things she need for her daughter’s birthday party. Of course, I mean it is an honest invitation so I decided to go with them. Before we proceeded to the main store where she have to buy the things she need, they said that they want to eat first to the Chinese or Japanese Restaurant nearby. I said okey no problem because I am also hungry at that time. It was lunch time anyway. As her husband look into his wallet they don’t have some Euros so we went to the ATM machine inside the mall but her husband said the ATM won’t give money and further said it is not accepting their card. I don’t exactly know the true reason but I can only say all ATM cards and even credit cards are now accepted internationally..unless if you don’t have any money left in your ATM account, for sure the ATM machine won’t give you money. Beside her husband said that they should pick-up money in their ATM machine before they leave. What you think dear readers?? Luckily, I always have the ATM of my husband in my wallet, so I decided to lend them some Euros….I could still remember the amount but better not mention here again..But it is an irony because as I gave the money to her husband, he said that he can’t pay it until two weeks when the salary comes. Another irony, is that the change left after we ate in the restaurant is what the wife used to buy the things she need…Oooops, I always pay my own bill every time they invited me to go out with them. If I’m not mistaken, my conclusion in this story is that there is really no money in their ATM account!! The lesson in this story, never go out anywhere if you don’t have money in your pocket especially if you intend to buy important things you need for some occasion!!

Situation like this can be sometimes detrimental to the pocket. I guess, if you really badly need some cash, you need to find a way to have it especially if you don’t have friends or relatives to run too. I can recommend Pay Everyone to you. They offer no fax payday loan up to $1,500.00. Their list of lenders will help you solve your financial problems so you don’t have to worry anymore. You don’t need to wait for the next pay day if you need immediate money for grocery shopping, bills to pay and any other money emergency. Need some immediate cash!!! Visit their site now for cash advances!!

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