Archive for the ‘Healthy tips’ Category

Key Steps to Battling Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that happens due to the malfunction of nerve cell activity. These malfunctions, which happen in the brain, cause occurrences that are known as seizures. Based on figures, approximately 150,000 Americans are diagnosed every year with epilepsy. Combined with the debilitating and even dangerous nature of seizures, it is understandable that […]

Boost Your Mood, Increase Your Energy and Take Back Your Life!

Modern living is hard work. The rising cost of essentials means that we’re working harder than ever while the increasing cost of living means that we have very little to show for it. While our job and career ambitions may cause us to spend 8-12 hours a day crammed under fluorescent lights in a busy […]

Simple Health Strategies That Will Take Your Life To A New Level

Although the old adage “Health is wealth” may sound trite, it is definitely true. When you have a ton of energy, mental clarity, and a positive self-image, you feel like you could conquer the world. Yet because many people lead such unhealthy lifestyles, they generally don’t maintain this approach to life. Yet you can. To […]

Can Counselling Help You Fight Substance Abuse?

Any and all kind of substance abuse is usually the indirect result of an underlying problem. Studies have shown that teenagers are the ones who are most vulnerable to the habit forming substances due to multiple factors like stress at home or school, emotional problems, peer pressure, depression, etc. Whatever the reason might be, counselling […]

Your Guide to a Healthy Heart

Keeping your heart healthy is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain your overall state of health and wellness. After all, without a healthy heart, the rest of your body will suffer. So check out the tips below in order to learn about a few of the easy ways that […]



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