Will There Ever be a Cure for Baldness?

Everyone is excited about the steady march of scientific improvements in the treatment of conditions such as cancer and heart disease. However, there is one much less serious condition that many would like to see more progress made on, and that is baldness.

Not Well Understood

For all the effort that has gone into curing baldness, to this day not a great deal is understood about what really causes it. The official scientific name for baldness is androgenetic alopecia, but by any name, it has proved an elusive condition to understand. The ancient philosopher Aristotle made an astute observation centuries ago when he observed that eunuchs, who lack testicles, never go bald. We now know that is because baldness is a side-effect of the hormone testosterone which is produced in the testicles. Alas, knowing that connection has not produced a cure, unless you want to become a eunuch, which is a solution few men would choose.

Treatment Rather than Cure

While a cure for baldness remains elusive, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved a number of products that slow down the hair loss process. However, what has proven hard to come by is something to restore hair loss once it has occurred. For those for whom baldness is already advanced, a wide range of treatments exist that are effective in giving the appearance of a full head of hair through sophisticated hair replacement systems. You can see samples of the wide range of such products if you visit AdventHair.com today . Yet, the holy grail of the anti-baldness movement, the complete prevention of hair loss altogether, unfortunately remains beyond reach.

Maybe Someday

While baldness can only be treated, not cured, there is reason for hope. Scientists are hard at work at pharmaceutical firms around the world, knowing that the cure for baldness would be one of the most profitable medicines ever. Much progress has been made in identifying enzymes, compounds and various agents that may not only stop but reverse balding. Another promising avenue may be genetic therapy, as the tendency for baldness runs in families. The bad news is that this research, although promising, is still in its early phases and will then have to through a lengthy testing on humans. While scientists are confident that a cure for baldness is on the horizon, no one is predicting such a cure will hit the market anytime soon.

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